
Sunday, December 20, 2015

3 Ways Any Entrepreneur Can See the Future

As an entrepreneur, you no doubt have your
hands full managing day-to-day business
and putting out immediate fires.

So what could a futurist possibly have to share that could
actually help you grow your business? And, for that matter,
what’s a futurist?
Far from the stereotype of the academic theoretician with no
grounding in reality, futurists have a surprising amount to say on
the outlook of small businesses. In my 17 years of professional
experience, 10 of which I’ve spent working in the Foresight &
Innovation team of a 12,000-strong, global, privately-owned
engineering and design organization, I’ve had the chance to apply
foresight tools in a number of different business contexts. While
it’s quite often a challenge, given the immediate responsibilities
that come with their roles, to persuade senior leadership and
staff of the importance of future planning, inevitably some
unforeseen event or conversation happens that triggers the
forward-looking exercise.
I’m not suggesting that as a business owner you need to become
certified as a futurist (because really, who has time for that?),
but here are three techniques for you to consider as you grow
your business.

Prepare for growth in
2016 by:

1. Mapping out possible
external scenarios that could
affect your business, like
new legislation.

2. Attending a conference or
networking event outside of
your industry or skill set.

1. Inviting experts outside of
your industry to brainstorm
new business ideas.

Francesca Birks leads Foresight, Research + Innovation for Arup Americas
and is the editor-in-chief of their online magazine Doggerel, focused on
innovation in the built environment

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